Thankful Thursday-Afternoon Naps
10/27/2011 06:35:00 PM Posted by mommy2twincesses
I was such a bear that I actually apologized to my girls for my obscene grumpiness and their response brought me to tears. Toddlers clearly love like dogs-unconditionally.
M told me, “It’s okay mommy. We forgive you.” I swear those are the sweetest words I’ve heard to date.
I was sitting in the floor and was chocked up so instead of saying anything in return I simply opened my arms and they came running. *melts*
The day went a little smoother from this point on and then when their nap time came along, the clouds opened up, my mind was able to take a break, and I actually caught a nap too!
When we all got up I wish I could say that the evening was filled with grins and giggles, but I can’t. It was the girls’ turn to be crabby :o(
Without my nap I may just have been shipped off to the funny farm. I made it through with all of my hair intact and without a one way ticket to a padded room; success!
As simple as a nap sounds, today, I am beyond thankful!

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