2012 Elf on the Shelf Game Plan
11/26/2012 07:57:00 AM Posted by mommy2twincesses
Despite what the Elf on the Shelf book says, I’ve decided
that our elf, Herbie, will not make his big debut at our house from this year
forward, until December 1st. According to the book, he’s supposed to
come the day after Thanksgiving, but you know what? I’m not ready then! And I’m
not going to feel guilty about it.
The days after Thanksgiving in our home are spent putting
up the Christmas tree and resting up from all the hoop-la of the holiday. We
deserve a few down days! I need those days to plan the chaos that Herbie is
sure to bring, and 24 days of elf-capades is PLENTY! I finalized our plans last
night and am sharing them with you now.
The last night of November we’ll throw up a few little
decorations, including the “Welcome Back Herbie” banner I made as my very first
Cricut project.
December 1st-crepe paper will barricade their
door as we’ll “accidentally” leave it out from decorating for Herbie’s “Welcome
December 2nd-Herbie will be hanging from mistletoe
and there will be Hershey’s Kisses scattered about on the floor with a little
note saying how much the elf missed them.

December 4th-There will be a silly face drawn
on their bathroom mirror. Probably an elf, reindeer, or Santa face that they’ll
be able to stick their faces in to get some giggles-this will depend on which I
manage to draw best ;)
December 5th- A messy message will be left for
the girls in the kitchen with “spilled” cheerios, crackers, or M&M’s
(depends on what we have on hand that morning! LOL) The message will be a
simple “Be Good”, “I Love You”, “Santa’s Watching”, “Elves R Cool”, something
like that!
December 6th-Herbie will be enjoying “elf
donuts” (aka Cheerios) for breakfast with syrup to drink, probably sitting on
daddy’s coffee pot or somewhere close to it.
December 7th-Our elf will be a master gardener
as he leaves “magic seeds” to plant while we’re gone to Shu Shu’s house. (We’re
going to visit the girls’ grandmother, so this buys me a few lazy days ;)
December 10th-We’ll come home to find that the
“magic seeds” have grown into suckers!
December 11th-We all put our shoes beside the
back door and Herbie will be hanging there with a sign reading “I didn’t do it!”.
He’ll have put jingle bells on the girls’ laces!
December 12th-This is the day before the “12
Days of Christmas” begins in their stockings and Herbie won’t be able to
contain his excitement so he’ll wrap the toilet as a present!
December 13th-Personalized books will be in
their stockings and Herbie will be found reading too.
December 14th-An empty package of glow in the
dark stars will be in their stocking. Herbie will be bowling and have a note
that says, “You’ll be bowled over by the stars tonight!” While they’re in the
bath I’ll scatter the stars around their ceiling :o)
December 15th-Herbie will be found taking a
bath and there will be “magic towels” and bath crayons in their stockings.
December 16th- Hot cocoa will be in their
stocking and the elf will have instigated a marshmallow fight with other toys.
December 17th-Punch balloons will be the
stocking surprise and Herbie will be “floating” from one.
December 18th-Today begins the official week
countdown to Christmas and elves tend to get a little extra boost of crazy as
anticipation builds for the big day! He’ll leave recorders in their stockings
and have Christmas music BLARING from our speakers when we turn the radio on to
play/sing along :o)
December 19th-All of the stockings will be
replaced with underwear and inside will be bags of “reindeer poop”. And
sticking with the “poop/undies” theme, Herbie will “TP” the tree!
December 20th-My girls have a strange love for
flashlights, so Herbie will leave new little flashlights in their stockings and
tape down all the light switches to encourage maximum flashlight usage.
December 21st-The first surprise of the morning
will be waking up to mom and dad’s noses painted red like Rudolph! (I’ve seen
it done with the kids’ noses, but I don’t think mine would sleep through it!) Herbie
will be perched near our bed somewhere and the face paints will be in their
December 22nd-In light of the Chipmunk movies
being their stocking surprise, Herbie will pose as Alvin in the singing
chipmunk trio.
December 23rd-Ingredients to make reindeer
food will fill the stockings as Herbie rides one nearby.
December 24th-A good bye note will be the last
thing from Herbie in their stockings and he will empty the tree in the
breakfast nook to make way for the Disney themed ornaments we’ll be making in
the coming days!
There it is! This is our Elf Plan 2012. Of course, if
something comes up it won’t be a big deal to switch days or adjust accordingly
to their behavior. I can’t wait to post pics of our wacky elf mischief!
your favorite Elf on the Shelf ideas!
November 26, 2012 at 8:36 PM
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