Becoming a Butterfly-Admitting my Faults

4/09/2012 07:49:00 AM Posted by mommy2twincesses

I have a sneaking suspicion that my never-satisfied-with-myself tendencies have to do with simply being a woman. It is becoming clearer to me by the day that certain attributes of females were intentionally placed within us by our creator, but unfortunately for me, he hasn’t zapped the wisdom I need to grasp all of this, what it means, nor how to arrive a place of self acceptance into my brain as of yet. And, instead of sitting here moping about and just waiting for his divine intervention, I’m going to start making more of an effort to become who I want to be-and hopefully who God intends for me to be.
I suppose the first logical step is to decidedly point out what it is that I want to change and/or be. This is not going to be easy, as I’m sure my laundry list is pitifully long and I’m almost certain I’ll forget something. Oh well, I’ve got to start somewhere!
Upon discovering that the Good Morning Girls summer study is going to cover Courtney Joseph’s, of Women Living Well Ministry:  The Proverbs 31 Woman-One Virtue at a Time, I simply couldn’t wait and actually began reading Sara Horn’s “My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife”.
Yes! I am THAT kind of student. The one who has to prepare and read everything I can before the actual lesson so I know I’m getting all out of it that I can. Dorky, I know ;)
Anyway, this book has been perfect for me since I’m constantly feeling lead to improve as a woman. I want to be the Proverbs 31 woman, wife, mother, and friend! But boy am I seeing what a long way I have to go :/
So, back to this “list” of mine……I have a feeling that I’ll quickly discover that my list was a complete waste of time, but I feel like I have to do it anyway, so here it goes.
I want to:
1.       Be more Godly. I want to “Reflect His Glory” like Andrea Lennon tried to teach me through her study. I want to make a difference for Christ in our church, in our community, and in the world.
2.       Be the best wife ever! Seriously, I want to knock my husband’s socks off each and every day. I want him to wake up thinking that he HAS to be the luckiest man on earth to have married such an awesome chick as me ;)
3.       Be the best mom ever! I want my children to “rise up and call me blessed” like the Bible says is ideal in Proverbs 31:28. I want to raise beautifully healthy, respectful, intelligent, well rounded, God-fearing children. I want our days to be filled with sunshine, giggles, and memories of blissful picture perfect moments!
4.       Be in the best shape ever! According to Romans 12:1, taking care of our body is a “spiritual act of worship” and since having my now 3 year old identical twin girls I’ve been slacking. It’s time to get things back under control there. After all, this is only body I’ll ever have and I know that as a Christian I’m sharing it with Jesus since he lives within me…….that is a TALL order to fill!
5.       Have a peaceful, beautiful, and organized home. I’m doing pretty good with this one, but as always, there is room for improvement.
6.       Be a better friend. This will also have to include finding friends worth having. I mean, I have great friends, but not necessarily the kind that I want walking around in my heart and that I trust with anything. In fact, if I’m to be honest, and well, since I’m basically writing to myself, I must be…….I don’t really have friends like that right now. There is a cousin of mine who fits into this category, but life and circumstances seem to driving that apart as well.
7.       Have a writing career. I have no clue where to start, but I’ve been blogging over on for pay, so that counts for something, right?!
I’m sure I am leaving something out, but this is a start. I feel exhausted already. Pray for me-and while you’re at it, stop by my Facebook fan page and leave words of encouragement and/or follow me on Twitter!


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