Mama Said There’d Be Days

8/26/2012 07:30:00 AM Posted by mommy2twincesses

If I’m truly honest, I don’t actually recall my own dear mother using those exact words, but she did teach me lots of life’s lessons, whether she meant to or not.
In my Bible study this morning Proverbs kept reiterating the importance of remembering the teachings of our parents. This led to a journal entry of some of the things that I recall learning directly from my parents, whether they were intentional lessons or not. And even further than that, leaves me pondering what lessons I’m passing along to my children…….deep stuff!
But, first things first: a look at the lessons I distinctly recall from my own parents.
(In no particular order, just as they came to mind while journaling.)
1.    Put God first. Yes, as long as I can remember I was taken to church every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evenings, as well as any other time the Southern Baptist Church’s doors were open. My mom taught my very first Sunday School class, and she continued to teach that class until there were no longer kids young enough for her “Beginners” class. And my grandmother-who was a very present and active member in my upbringing-kept books for the church, as well as served on several committees, and even cleaned the church every week. (Okay, SHE got a minimal payment for cleaning, but me and mom were always there helping!) I even remember reading the Bible, instead of other children’s books, before bed almost every night.
2.    Choose happiness. Things weren’t always perfect in our little world. In fact, there are stories I could tell that you would probably assume I made up because they’re so “out there”, but we remained happy. Memories of my mother are full of singing, laughter, and light heartedness. She had plenty to be unhappy about, but she chose happiness, therefore taught me that happiness was the only way.
3.    Never give up on love. I’m not sure whether or not mom’s decision to always stand by dad came from her strong Christian beliefs or her pure determination to “love him through good or bad”, but her will to make marriage last made a huge impression on me. My dad, though overall a good man, did plenty to constitute her divorcing him. And sadly enough, I even recall wishing for it at times. But mom persevered. She trudged through and never gave up hope on their love. And though I do remember seeing them have a few spats (even a couple of REALLY ugly ones), they normally made sure I had somewhere to spend the night (which felt like a treat at the time) before having “knock down drag outs”.
4.    Forgive easily and quickly. This was clearly witnessed through their marriage, but there are countless other times I recall different instances that could have very easily driven permanent wedges between my mom and others, but no matter what, no matter how bad, she always chose to forgive-and quite quickly. Sometimes I’ve wondered if she has some “forgiveness gene” that she passed on to me, because I just don’t have it in me to stay upset at anyone-for anything. The greatest example of her unending forgiveness was toward my paternal grandfather, who accidently ran over and killed my sister, mother’s first born daughter at just 18 months old. I’m not sure I could ever forgive someone who took the life of one of my children-even accidently, but she did. I never saw her harbor hard feelings toward him and amazingly to me-not even toward God. She was heartbroken, and still is to this day on some level, but not angry. She chose to forgive.
There are lots more where this came from; however, my explanations are a little more windy than I planned. So, lucky you-I’ll take a break and come back later with more “Mama Said” lessons!
What do remember your “mama saying”? Are those lessons you plan on teaching to your own children or are you doing things differently?


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