Mommy Time Out in Nashville Tennessee
6/14/2012 11:15:00 AM Posted by mommy2twincesses
Monday morning bright and early one of my mommy friends and I headed out towards the Home of Country Music. After a four hour drive we finally arrived at Gaylord Opryland Hotel and quickly and smoothly got checked into our balcony room in the Cascades section.
We immediately threw open the French doors leading to the balcony and took in the relaxing sounds of the indoor waterfalls. Ah, relaxation at last!
Because we had made no plans prior to our arrival (who needs a schedule when you’re on vacation right?!) we lounged around for a few minutes, made phone calls letting our loved ones know we made it safe and sound, and then went for a stroll around the hotel.
Actually, a “stroll” around the hotel is more like a long distance hike since it is the largest hotel without a casino in the world! We had worked up an appetite and chose to enjoy a late lunch in the Fuse Sports Bar.
I consider myself to be somewhat of a burger connoisseur and my discriminative palate gives the Fuse burgers a big “two thumbs up”. The “winkle fries” were actually really good too, even though I’m not a “fry girl”. But, I cannot tell a lie, the Lemon Drop beverage was my favorite part of the meal! LOL, it was 5 o’clock somewhere ;)
After our pig out session we thought it only appropriate to let our food settle and what better place can do that besides the pool?! Yes, we changed into our swim suits and headed to bask in the sun.
After we’d soaked up enough rays to thoroughly consider ourselves well-done, we headed back to the room to shower and figure out plans for the night.
We were all revved up and ready to go paint the town in our killer outfits, but the torrential rain changed our minds. Instead we had a quiet dinner at the Jack Daniels restaurant, changed into our jammies once back in our room, and watched television until we both conked out.
We spent the better part of the next day being pampered like princesses in the Relache’ Spa. I treated myself to a Swedish massage and a vitamin C facial. It was heavenly! Seriously, almost better than chocolate ;) And my girlfriend had a gel mani/pedi and an eyebrow wax-which she loved as well.
We then took our rested, relaxed, and newly pampered selves over to the Opry Mills Mall. We checked out the entire 2 miles of the mall, did a little shopping, and had another late lunch in The Aquarium. That place was way too cool for school! It was like dining under water!
On the way back to the hotel we swung by the Grand Ole Opry just to say that we did. There were tons of people walking toward it, so we parked and figured we’d go check out whatever was going on too. It was a concert! We had no clue that they had concerts on Tuesday nights and figured they’d already sold out since it was clearly about to start, but they had not. We got tickets to the show!
We rushed back to the room to change into something suitable for such an outrageous event and hurried back for the second half of the show-which is the part we actually wanted to see anyway.

After the show we were way too hyped up to sleep, so we strolled through the atriums and enjoyed funky flavored gelato. P-E-R-F-E-C-T!
Coming home was bitter sweet. I could really get used to the level of relaxed we both felt through the whole trip, but we missed our rowdy crews like crazy!
It’s hard to believe that we were able to pull into the Opryland complex on Monday and not leave it again until it was time to come home, yet be able to do so much! There are tons of other things to do in Nashville, but they’ll just have to wait until next time-of which I’m sure there will be!
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