Playing Catch Up-Where Have I Been?!

Wow! It’s been 5 months since my last post….really?! Maybe you’ve wondered where I’ve been, but probably you didn’t realize I was even gone, but that’s okay.  In limbo; that’s where I’ve been.  Should I continue to blog or should I stop? It took 5 long months to figure out the answer to that question-and here I am.

My last post was an internal debate over the educational future of my twins. To home school, private school (not that we have any viable options in that arena), or to public school-that was the current hot topic. After much soul searching, praying, and just pondering in general, we decided to give public school a shot!

I have to admit, I was so torn that I actually acquired a home school kindergarten curriculum “just in case” as well as enrolled them in public school. I thought this way I’d be good to go no matter what we ultimately decided ;) (Yes, I was a Girl Scout, and yes, one of my many mottos is “always be prepared”.)

With the girls in school, and loving it, I now have a few minutes here and there to spare and writing is what I love, so I kind of think it’s only fair to myself to go for it. So here I am, going for it!

Now how to catch up on all that’s went on in 5 months?!

IDK, but I’m going to try!

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